
Browser Link

Evergreen browsers and IE10+. See table. For older browser versions foliodot will display fallback version of web page.


Knowladge Link

Basic HTML/web authoring skills required. However, we will provide as many examples and snippets for quick copy/paste making your start as ease as possible. Explore Annotated html or configuration settings pages, lots of it is already there.

Got stuck? Email us.

Domain & hosting Link

Domain name ( and hosting package are required. Any basic (read cheep) hosting package is sufficient. Foliodot is not greedy for resources.

Local server is not required for developing your site. Foliodot will work from your local file system. Extract zip, open page in browser and you are ready.

License Link

Foliodot license is required in order to use template on live website. You can purchase your foliodot license from page.

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Learn next: Introduction